5 Tips to Clean Fruits and Vegetables

Everyone knows that eating fruits and vegetables bought from the market without cleaning them is a risk. With the arrival of the COVID pestilence, many people have started to show more concern than ever before.

Keeping our hands, feet and body and surroundings clean is just as important as making sure the food we eat is clean. Insects often thrive in a humid place. Our Markets & nbsp; These are the places where the humidity stays. We cannot guarantee that the fruits or vegetables are for sale, stored in storage centres, or in clean condition. These sellers are constantly in touch with fruits and vegetables. We do not know if these were also COVID-free. In this case, the only solution is to thoroughly clean the fruits and vegetables you buy from the market.

There are 5 things to look out for in this regard according to the guidelines issued by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.

1. Keep the packet of fresh fruit and vegetables in a place that nobody touches. Do not bring it straight to the fridge. Other things in the fridge can cause infections.

2. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with water. If you have chlorine, pour 50 ppm of water into it and put it in fruit and vegetables.

3. Take only clean water that is usable.

4. Do not use cleaning wipes, disinfectants or soap

5. After cleaning, put fruits and vegetables in the right place, without leaving them there.